"Security Threat Lines are a Nightmare for the K P Sports Directorate Despite Rising Threats"


 Terrorism threat lines are on the rise, but still, administrative importance comes along with the Sports Directorate, which include the offices of the Sports Minister, DG Sports, and other major departments; however, basic security is quite seriously missing at the place.

Several CCTV cameras, which are an intrinsic part of the modern system of security, are either not working or missing in several places. While some CCTV cameras have installed them at the main entrance, others do not have them. Data recording by the Directorate can only be done for one week at a time, again leaving much of the coverage uncovered.

This is, however worsened by the fact that areas plunge into darkness after dusk. Lights that were functional since Ramadan have been removed, leaving four light poles at the main gate that remain useless. Ironically, these lights have been moved to the hockey ground, and this makes the entrance even more vulnerable.

Shockingly, there are no trained or permanently employed security personnel. Guarding the main gate is the responsibility of daily wage employees who are ill-equipped, untrained, and burdened with security and gate operation tasks. There is one gun issued to them. The employees are reluctant to use it, as this may end up in accidental discharge.

Despite a deadly wave of terrorism, no reaction has been witnessed from the administration. Though fatal incidents like the ghastly murder of an daily wage employ  in a blast on former senior minister Bashir Bilour have shown the exposure, nothing real has been done to reconsider security lapses.

And that remains a question only: Will another tragedy make the Directorate change or let such systemic deficiencies slide to end in becoming too late?

#KPSportsDirectorate #SecurityFlaws #KhyberPakhtunkhwa #PublicSafetyCrisis #DailyWageStruggles #UntrainedSecurity #TerrorismThreats #SportsMinistry


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