Public Funds Misused at Lala Ayub Hockey Ground: A Turf of Corruption?



The Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) Islamabad spent about 100 million rupees on a new turf for Peshawar's revered Lala Ayub Hockey Ground. Unfortunately, the project has already been marred with problems, with nails and spikes coming out of the turf-leaving serious concerns for player safety.

Syed Zahir Shah, President Hockey Association, has strongly condemned:

"We want DG Yasir Pirzada of the PSB to conduct an inquiry into the state of the turf. This is public tax money being wasted. The inquiry committee was constituted, following which Deputy Director Shahid Islam came to inspect the turf, but till date we have not seen any result of this inquiry," said Zahir Shah.

He also blamed the contractor who came from Canada:

"The contractor earned his money, collected his payment from PSB, and ran. But we will not leave him scot-free. The provincial sports directorate too raised reservations about the quality, so why was it inaugurated in that sorry state?"

The question has brought into analysis several critical accountability issues. The defective installation affected the quality and safety of turf. Instead of dealing with the root problems, the people responsible used nails to plaster wrinkles—a temporary yet dangerous fix.

An investigation was launched in May 2023, but like in most incidences of embezzlement of public money, that never got its way. Clear negligence on the part of the authority that would not move to correct this, afraid of harming athletes. Notwithstanding public concern over the issue to date, nothing has been done, which draws a very alarming trend of squandering public tax money without much care for its consequences.

#TurfScandal #HockeyGroundPeshawar #PSB #PublicFundsMisuse #LalaAyubHockeyGround #HockeyPakistan #SportsInfrastructure #Accountability #TaxpayerMoney #PlayerSafety #CorruptionInSports #YasirPirzada #SyedZahirShah #SportsDirectorateKP #HockeyAssociation #InquiryDemand #ContractorScandal



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