Merged Districts Sports Directorate's Website Remains Outdated Amid Leadership Changes"


In the digital age, where information is at everyone’s fingertips, the Merged Districts Sports Directorate's website remains a testament to neglect and outdated information. Despite the changing leadership and ongoing sports activities in the region, the website is far from being updated, with years-old data and images still displayed.

A visit to the website reveals a glaring oversight: a photograph of former Director General (DG) Khalid Khan continues to grace the front page, despite two DGs having taken the position since his tenure. Additionally, Captain Mushtaq, the former Secretary Sports, who left over a year ago to serve as Secretary in Balochistan, still has his image prominently displayed.

This neglect reflects the lack of priority given to sports promotion in the merged districts. Even the caretaker Chief Minister Azam Khan, who passed away, remains listed on the website, ignoring the current Chief Minister, Ali Amin Gandapur. Ironically, the newly appointed director hails from Gandapur’s area, yet no effort has been made to rectify these glaring errors.

The website, which should serve as a gateway to sports updates and opportunities for youth in more than fifteen districts, offers little in terms of current activities. Only outdated photos from Para Chinnar, Bajaur, Kalaya, and Jamrud sports complexes have been uploaded, with no representation of other major regions. Despite claims from officials of being sidelined by the province, the lack of attention to their own affairs paints a different picture.

Even worse, outdated tenders like those from 2023 are still displayed, and irrelevant materials such as a technical PDF link on debugging in Visual Studio are found under the tender section, underscoring the sheer negligence of those responsible for keeping the website functional.

This mismanagement raises serious concerns about how committed the Sports Directorate truly is to promoting athleticism and nurturing talent across the merged districts. While officials cry out against provincial neglect, their inaction speaks louder.

#SportsNeglect #KPWebsiteFail #MergedDistricts #OutdatedLeadership #SportsPromotion #KPYouthSports #DigitalNegligence #LeadershipVacuum #AliAminGandapur


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