Fictitious Payment of Rs. 69.418 Million Exposed at Jamrud Sports Complex – Fake Measurements for Non-Executed Work Uncovered


A major financial irregularity has been uncovered in the contract awarded for the "Establishment & Rehabilitation of Jamrud Sports Complex." An audit of the accounts of the Director General Sports & Youth Affairs, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, for the fiscal year 2022-23 revealed a fictitious payment of Rs. 69.418 million based on fraudulent measurements for work that was never executed.

The project, contracted to MS A.Q Builders, had payments made up to the 6th Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) for a total of Rs. 191.152 million. However, the audit discovered that a significant portion of this payment was fictitious, as it was based on non-existent work. The falsification of measurements was confirmed by an on-site inspection team, which documented evidence through photographs.

According to Rule 395 of the Federal Treasury Rules (FTR) Volume-1, all payments for works must be based on accurate measurements recorded in a designated measurement book. This rule, further supported by Para-397 of the FTR and Para-209(d) of the CPWA Code, mandates that all recorded quantities be clear and precise. However, in this case, the SDO/Engineers involved falsified the measurements, and the consultant failed in their duty by verifying these false measurements in the IPC.

This lapse indicates weak internal controls and financial mismanagement within the department. Despite the matter being pointed out in December 2023, the department has yet to provide a detailed response. A letter dated 05.01.2024 requested a Departmental Accounts Committee (DAC) meeting to discuss the findings, but no meeting has been held as of the finalization of this report.

The audit recommends a full inquiry into the matter and recovery of the fictitious payment from those responsible.

#FinancialScandal #AuditReport #JamrudSportsComplex #Corruption #FakePayments #SportsComplexAudit #FictitiousPayments #KPKSports



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