Sports Circles Raise Concerns Over Misuse of Funds at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate



Sports circles in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are expressing deep concern over the ongoing construction work at the provincial sports directorate. While officials claim a lack of funds for essential sports activities and competitions, they have been allocating resources for lavish renovations and office upgrades.

Despite the financial constraints, the directorate has prioritized the construction of new offices for the female hostel, project director, administrator, accountant, director of the establishment, and even for the director of the annexed districts. These projects appear to be in violation of KAPRA rules, as they were postponed on multiple occasions to avoid scrutiny.

Moreover, the construction work has been carried out through specific individuals without proper public tendering. Sports circles allege that these projects have been ongoing for the past six months, with unnecessary and sub-standard work being done in various areas of the directorate.

The chief minister and sports advisor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is urged to investigate the matter and ensure that the allocated funds are being used transparently and for the betterment of sports in the province. It is also crucial to address the violations of CAPRA rules and hold those responsible accountable.

#KPSportsDirectorate #Corruption #MisuseOfFunds #SportsInKP #KAPRAViolation


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