PSB Probes Pakistani Boxer Zohaib Rasheed’s Absence During World Qualification Tournament; Officials Face Ban Over Serious Allegations"


The Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) convened an inquiry committee to investigate the incident involving Zohaib Rasheed, a Pakistani boxer, who failed to participate in the 1st World Qualification Tournament held in Italy in March 2024. The inquiry, focusing on potential mismanagement and misconduct, revealed that key officials of the Pakistan Boxing Federation (PBF), including President Muhammad Khalid Mahmood and Secretary General Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Nasir Ijaz Tung, neglected their duties. These officials failed to submit the required “Undertaking” and “Surety Bond” to PSB, resulting in the boxer skipping the event without the necessary approvals, causing serious disgrace to the country.

The inquiry committee recommended that the PSB recover a "surety bond" of Rs. 1 million from the responsible office bearers of PBF. Additionally, it advised against allowing these individuals to hold any future positions in national sports federations, pending further investigation. Notably, the case may be referred to the Federal Investigating Agency (FIA) due to prima facie elements of human trafficking.

After deliberation, the PSB accepted the inquiry's recommendations, which included:

Referring the case to the FIA for further investigation regarding potential human trafficking.

Recovering the Rs. 1 million surety bond from the office bearers.

Banning both Muhammad Khalid Mahmood and Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Nasir Ijaz Tung from holding any positions in national sports federations in the future.

Furthermore, the Board directed the Director General of the PSB to request the FIA to check the National Identification Cards (NOCs) of all sports officials and athletes representing Pakistan in international events, to ensure legitimacy. In a significant step, the Pakistan Boxing Federation (PBF) was instructed to impose a permanent ban on Zohaib Rasheed, preventing him from representing Pakistan in any future events.

This inquiry has sent shockwaves through the national sports community, highlighting serious lapses in administrative oversight, with potential criminal implications for the involved officials.

#ZohaibRasheedInvestigation #PakistanBoxingScandal #SportsIntegrity #PSBInquiry #HumanTraffickingConcerns #BoxingFederation








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