DIK Young Talent Denied Fair Training at Peshawar Sports Complex: A Tale of Neglect and Unfulfilled Promises"



Saeed Zada, a 14-year-old from Dera Ismail Khan, has recently faced unexpected challenges while pursuing his passion for table tennis in Peshawar. Despite hailing from the same district as several high-ranking officials—including the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Governor, and two directors in the Sports Directorate—Saeed found himself struggling to receive basic training at the Peshawar Sports Complex.

Upon arriving in Peshawar, Saeed secured accommodation in a private hotel due to the unavailability of rooms and facilities at the sports complex. However, his real struggle began when he sought training at the arena's table tennis hall. According to Saeed, the coach dismissed him, stating he had no time for individuals from other districts. This refusal left Saeed feeling dejected and questioning the fairness of the training system.

"It's cruelty towards students from Dera Ismail Khan," Saeed expressed, highlighting the discrimination he faced.

In response to the situation, Merged Director Sports, Razi Ullah, stated that he would discuss the issue with the Director of Sports to address Saeed's concerns. However, despite Razi Ullah's assurances on August 18, no action has been taken. The young athlete continues to wait for the promised resolution, with no signs of change in the complex's training policies.

This delay raises serious concerns about the management and oversight of the training sessions at the Peshawar Sports Complex. It appears that no one is monitoring the coaches' timings or their commitment to training aspiring athletes from different districts, particularly those like Saeed who come from outside Peshawar.

This incident not only underscores the struggles of young athletes from less-privileged areas but also calls into question the accountability of those in charge of sports development in the region.

#SportsJustice #KPYouth #EqualOpportunities #TableTennis #PeshawarSportsComplex #DeraIsmailKhan #UnfulfilledPromises



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