Class IV Employees at Kohat Sports Complex Protest Unjust Salary Deduction



Kohat, KP: Class IV employees posted at the Kohat Sports Complex are up in arms against the administration for the arbitrary deduction of one day's salary. The employees claim that the salary was deducted without any explanation or justification, leaving them struggling to make ends meet in the face of rising inflation.

According to the employees, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the deduction was ordered by the computer operator without any apparent reason. They expressed their frustration and disappointment at the unfair treatment, stating that the deduction was particularly harsh for Class IV employees who rely on their salaries for their livelihood.

The employees further alleged that there were several officers and their relatives posted at the complex who were drawing salaries without performing any duties. They accused the administration of turning a blind eye to this blatant misuse of public funds and demanded action against the responsible individuals.

The employees have called upon the Sports Advisor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Director General of Sports to take notice of the injustice and intervene on their behalf. They urged the authorities to investigate the matter, reinstate their deducted salaries, and ensure that such arbitrary actions are not repeated in the future.

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