The Height of Social Hypocrisy: Flattery for the Powerful, Disdain for the Weak


In our society, it's increasingly common to see people fawning over the powerful while bullying the weak. This behavior is the epitome of hypocrisy, a trait that has deeply ingrained itself in our social fabric.

Recently, the Director of Operations and Training at the Provincial Sports Directorate held an important meeting with senior coaches at the Peshawar Sports Complex. The purpose of this gathering was to outline the department's strategic vision and set clear expectations for the coaches. Key officials from the department were also present, highlighting the vital role coaches play in nurturing young talent and expressing confidence in their ability to produce exceptional athletes who will bring pride not just to the province but to the nation and international stages as well.

On the other hand, in a separate meeting with coaches working on a daily wage basis, their skills were acknowledged, but their concerns about delayed salaries were brushed aside. During this meeting, these coaches were addressed in a demeaning tone, with one official stating that work had been going smoothly even in their absence, disregarding their contributions and struggles.

These two contrasting attitudes reflect the deep-seated hypocrisy in our society, where permanent employees are flattered and honored with titles like "senior," regardless of their actual qualifications, while daily wage employees' hard work and services are ignored.

In various districts of the province, such as Charsadda, Mardan, Swabi, and Kohat, daily wage coaches have been completely overlooked. Their salaries have been withheld, and they were excluded from new recruitment opportunities. This situation is not only regrettable but also a stark violation of the principles of social justice.

#Hypocrisy #SocialIssue #FlatteryOfThePowerful #DisdainForTheWeak #DailyWageCoaches #SportsDirectorate


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