Peshawar's Abdalli Hockey Ground Locked Down Amidst Growing Tensions



Peshawar, Pakistan: Abdalli Hockey Ground, located in Peshawar's Civil Quarters, has once again been sealed off, as per a recent notice posted at the ground. The notice, signed by the Director-General of Sports, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, cites unspecified reasons for the indefinite closure.

However, sources within the Sports Directorate suggest that the closure is a direct result of a recent altercation between football players and the ground's management. This incident escalated tensions to such a point that authorities deemed it necessary to temporarily shut down the facility to prevent further disturbances.

The Civil Quarters is home to a significant number of government employees, many of whom use the ground for recreational activities like football, hockey, and volleyball. The area originally had two separate grounds—one for football and the other for hockey. However, due to a housing shortage, the football ground was converted into residential flats during the Awami National Party's (ANP) tenure.

This has led to longstanding disputes among football, hockey, and volleyball players over the single remaining ground. The hockey players claim exclusive rights to the ground as it was originally built for their sport, while football and volleyball players argue that they have a right to use it as well, especially since their designated ground has been repurposed.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, residents of the Civil Quarters, many of whom are senior government officials, also use the ground for walking and other leisure activities. These residents often assert their right to access the ground and have, on occasion, invoked their connections to influence the Sports Directorate.

To manage the influx of users, the provincial Sports Directorate has imposed a nominal fee of 500 to 300 rupees on all individuals using the ground. However, this fee has been a constant source of contention, with many users refusing to pay, citing unfair treatment.

The most recent closure has been triggered by a missing two-year financial record for the ground. An inquiry by the Sports Adviser revealed a significant discrepancy in the funds collected. To address this issue, a fact-finding committee was formed but has been unable to make any headway due to fears of reprisals.

#Peshawar #SportsGroundClosure #Hockey #Football #Volleyball #CommunityDispute #GovernmentCorruption #SportsGovernance #KhyberPakhtunkhwa


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