Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Athletics in Crisis: Association Focuses on Power, not Athletes


The role of sports associations in fostering athletic talent and promoting sports is crucial, yet the Athletics Association in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa presents a stark contrast. Rather than focusing on the development of athletes, it has become embroiled in internal strife and personal agendas, neglecting its primary responsibilities.

The Association's dysfunction is evident in its fragmented state, divided by internal disputes that have spawned rival factions. These factions prioritize personal gain over the welfare of athletes, leading to a dearth of meaningful initiatives for player development. International coaches and senior players are summoned for training, but their efforts are undermined by the chaotic state of the Association.

Compounding the issue is the Provincial Sports Directorate's partiality towards certain individuals and academies within the athletics community. Former athletes turned officials neglect their duty to advocate for athletes' interests, instead entrenching themselves in bureaucratic comfort. The Directorate's biased stance further exacerbates the plight of athletes, with promised initiatives like the athletics ground renovation languishing incomplete for years.


Despite sporadic elections, the new leadership in the Athletics Association remains opaque regarding their agenda and actions. They fail to be transparent about athlete development initiatives, training programs, or the participation in competitions. Despite claims of increased events and medals, these achievements are hollow without tangible benefits reaching the athletes themselves.

The indifference towards athletes' concerns is palpable. Competitions are held without any follow-up on athlete participation or feedback, while the state of athletic facilities remains dire. Athletes are left abandoned, devoid of support and guidance from those entrusted with their welfare.

In conclusion, the Athletics Association of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has devolved into a self-serving entity, neglecting its fundamental duty to nurture sporting talent. Its internal discord and bureaucratic inertia have conspired to disenfranchise athletes, leaving them to navigate their careers without essential support. The urgent need for reform and accountability within the Association and the Provincial Sports Directorate cannot be overstated, as the current status quo only perpetuates the athletes' plight.

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