Budget Allocation for Peshawar Horse Riding Club Raises Questions



PESHAWAR - The allocation of 180 million rupees in the provincial Annual Development Program (ADP) for a horse riding club in Peshawar has ignited controversy. While horse riding enthusiasts may be excited about the new facility, the hefty price tag has sparked questions about the project's purpose and beneficiaries.

Critics of the project point to the lack of clarity surrounding the number of horse riding enthusiasts in Peshawar. They question whether such a significant budget allocation is justified, particularly when the needs of young athletes in other sports remain unaddressed.

Furthermore, there are concerns that the project may be motivated by political interests rather than a genuine desire to promote sports development. Some allege that the allocation is intended to benefit a prominent politician with a passion for horse riding, raising concerns about favoritism and misuse of public funds.

The allocation has come as a blow to young athletes who rely on government funding for scholarships, training programs, and competitions. These athletes feel their dreams are being sidelined in favor of an exclusive club catering to a limited audience.

The broken promises of nurturing talent and promoting sports development leave a bitter taste for coaches and aspiring athletes. They point to unfulfilled scholarship programs and a lack of support for athletes at the grassroots level.

The project has also drawn criticism for potentially reflecting mismanagement within the provincial bureaucracy. Coaches lament the prioritization of a niche project over the core needs of young athletes who represent the future of sports in the province.

The Chief Minister's discretionary spending on the club, allegedly neglecting the critical requirements of youth sports development, has further fueled public discontent.

Stakeholders have called for greater transparency and accountability in budget allocation. They urge the government to prioritize the development of a broader sports infrastructure that benefits a wider range of athletes.

The Peshawar Horse Riding Club saga serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible budgeting and the ongoing struggle to empower the next generation of sports stars in Pakistan.

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