882 Young Athletes Awarded Scholarships, Hundreds More Left in the Cold



Peshawar: A ray of hope has shone on 882 young athletes under the age of 21, who have been awarded monthly scholarships by the Provincial Sports Directorate. However, a darker side to the story reveals that 286 deserving medalists have been kept waiting for their due scholarships for the past two years.

Despite numerous inquiries, the Sports Directorate remains tight-lipped about when these athletes will receive their financial support. The outstanding amounts owed to athletes from various sports, including athletics, basketball, hockey, karate, table tennis, weightlifting, and tug-of-war, remain undisclosed.

A Right to Information application filed in February 2024 and responded to only in August 2024 by the Sports Directorate has yielded little clarity. While the department has confirmed that winners receive one lakh rupees and runners-up fifty thousand, the number of teams eligible for prize money remains a mystery.

The Sports Directorate's evasive tactics have raised concerns about transparency and fairness in the distribution of scholarships and prize money. Athletes and sports enthusiasts alike are demanding answers and immediate action to address the issue.

#ScholarshipsDelayed #SportsScandal #U21ScholarshipDelay #AthleteRights




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