Provincial Sports Directorate Fumbles Table Tennis Training: Missing Machine and Ball Woes


The Provincial Sports Directorate's table tennis program seems to be in a bit of a pickle. One of the two recently acquired robot training machines has gone missing from the table tennis hall. To add insult to injury, the remaining machine is currently unusable due to a malfunction caused by... excessive hair?

Further compounding the problem, the Directorate appears unable to provide balls for the multi-ball capacity training machine. Players, limited to bringing only two balls each, are left frustrated by the lack of proper equipment.

The missing machine's whereabouts are unknown, while the remaining one sits idle, a testament to the Directorate's apparent shortcomings. This situation raises serious questions about the Directorate's commitment to providing its table tennis players with adequate training facilities.

#kikxnow #tabletennis #sports #directorate #peshawar#pakist


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