"Peshawar's Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium Falls Apart: A Tale of Neglect and Broken Promises"


Peshawar ,  In the heart of Peshawar, the Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium stands as a symbol of both promise and neglect. Built just a year ago with an investment of twelve crore rupees and overseen by a Canadian contractor, the stadium was meant to be a beacon of hope for local sports enthusiasts. However, today it tells a different story.

The stadium, once a pride of the city, now bears scars of neglect. The netting behind the goalposts has collapsed, the fountains sporadically malfunction, and the walls around the turf are crumbling. Even the sturdy goalposts show signs of wear and tear, their wood damaged and weathered.

Shockingly, the glass in the players' section was shattered during construction and remains unrepaired—a poignant reminder of overlooked flaws. Despite these visible issues, the Provincial Sports Directorate's committee, led by Additional Director General Miss Rashida Ghaznavi, has raised concerns. Yet, the Pakistan Sports Board has remained eerily silent on the matter, leaving the stadium's fate hanging in the balance.

As debates ensue over accountability and promises unkept, the Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium stands as a poignant symbol of the challenges facing infrastructure projects in Pakistan. Will it continue to decay, or will renewed efforts breathe life back into its once vibrant walls? One thing is clear: the people of Peshawar deserve better. It's time to reclaim their sporting legacy.

#ReviveLalaAyubStadium #FixLalaAyub #PeshawarHockeyShame


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