Provincial Sports Directorate Daily Wage Employees Face Uncertain Eid Despite Working Through Delays



The Provincial Sports Directorate in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is facing criticism for failing to pay the salaries of several daily wage employees for months, leaving them struggling on the eve of Eid-ul-Adha.

Reports indicate that around 10-15 daily wage employees working as gatekeepers and security personnel haven't received their dues. These individuals perform essential duties, opening gates and maintaining security, yet their work seems undervalued by the Directorate.

While Eid is just days away, these employees are kept on a "work-to-work" basis, unsure of their future or financial standing. Despite consistently showing up for their duties, their situation remains ignored by the Sports Directorate officials.

This news raises questions about the Directorate's policies regarding daily wage workers and their treatment. It's crucial to ensure fair treatment and timely compensation for these essential employees, especially during important holidays

#KPKnotOkay #DailyWagesStruggle #SportsFunding



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