Peshawar Sports Complex Renovation Puts Athletes on Hold


The Peshawar Sports Complex, once a bustling haven for aspiring athletes, now sits silent and neglected, its ongoing rehabilitation stifling the dreams of promising football players and track and field hopefuls.

Previously alive with the energy of talented youngsters, the complex provided a platform for athletes like Kutiw FIFA's golden boot player, who made waves on the global stage in 2022. Today, the grounds that once saw the hustle and bustle of football practice and the determined strides of runners lie barren, with only the disappointed sighs of athletes breaking the silence.

As the rehabilitation drags on, the number of players has dwindled, and the options for alternative training are far from ideal. With security concerns at the PAF base camp and the unavailability of the Peshawar University track, athletes are struggling to find a suitable space to hone their skills.

This disruption is not only affecting their training but also their performance in games. It is crucial that the sports department prioritizes the completion of the Peshawar Sports Complex to reignite the passion and dreams of these young athletes.

Opening the complex, even partially, is not just about renovation; it's about revitalizing a generation's aspirations and ensuring Peshawar remains a breeding ground for future sporting stars. Take action now to support our athletes and ensure the future of sports in Peshawar.

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