Reconstruction Chaos: Provincial Sports Directorate Contractor Under Fire for Haphazard Work


After a hiatus of about four months, the installation of shade-providing roofs for fans at the Peshawar Sports Complex finally commenced in connection with the reconstruction of the Provincial Sports Directorate. However, the process took a troubling turn when the contractor, identified after the prolonged delay, abruptly halted the work. For four months, the site languished with scattered iron slag, disrupting progress.


Resuming work after the recent Eid festivities, concerns arose regarding the contractor's methods. Complaints emerged regarding the welding of net bolts at two separate locations. Shockingly, the contractor opted to weld iron bars directly instead of constructing proper fixtures, raising eyebrows among project supervisors from the Provincial Sports Directorate's engineering wing.


In a perplexing move, cement blocks were hastily installed atop the welded iron bars, deviating from the project's outlined procedures. Furthermore, separate elements of the reconstruction, such as the installation of net bolts and cement blocks, were carelessly combined, contradicting the prescribed workflow.


Compounding the chaos, the contractor's activities led to the complete demolition of one side of the Muazullah Khan Cricket Academy, which remains unrepaired to date. Additionally, over three air gym machines were irreparably damaged, and sections of the climbing wall were inexplicably removed without plans for reconstruction.


Despite the mounting concerns and disruptions, the administration of the Provincial Sports Directorate has maintained a concerning silence on the matter. The vandalized state of the air gym machines and the transformed passageway that was once the Muazullah Khan Cricket Academy demand urgent attention, yet official response remains elusive.



#ProvincialSports #ReconstructionMess #ContractorBlunders




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