Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium in Peshawar: Substandard Construction Crumbles After One Year



Peshawar's iconic Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium is facing a major crisis. Just one year after its completion, reports of substandard construction are coming to light. The playing surface is uneven, water fountains are malfunctioning, and even the wooden goalposts are damaged.

Despite these issues, the Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) and the Provincial Sports Directorate remain silent on the matter.

Even during construction, concerns were raised about the project. Ms. Rasheed Ghaznavi, the former director of the provincial sports directorate, flagged the non-standard construction materials. However, her warnings were overlooked.

The contract was awarded to a Canadian-born doctor who completed the project in record time – one year instead of the planned six months. However, speed came at the cost of quality. The provincial hockey association pointed out the uneven turf and substandard goalpost nets.

The Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium was built with public money, a staggering Rs 12 crore. Yet, due to substandard construction, the facility is already deteriorating. The silence from the PSB and the Provincial Sports Directorate raises serious questions about accountability and mismanagement.

This situation demands immediate action. A thorough investigation is needed to identify those responsible for the substandard construction. Public funds cannot be wasted with impunity. The stadium needs repairs to ensure it can be used by athletes for years to come.

#PeshawarHockey #CorruptionWatch #HoldThemAccountable




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