Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium Goal Posts in Disrepair Despite Recent PSB Construction


Peshawar's iconic Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium is plagued by issues once again. Just a year after its reconstruction by the Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) Islamabad at a cost exceeding twelve crore rupees, the wooden goal posts are already in a state of disrepair.

This rapid deterioration raises serious concerns about the construction quality.  The PSB's Deputy Director, Shahid Islam, had visited Peshawar to address these concerns, but there have been no further updates or actions taken.

The state of the stadium is a slap in the face to Peshawar's passionate hockey community and hinders the development of the sport in the region.


#FixLalaAyubStadium #PSBAccountability #SupportPeshawarHockey


Let's hold the PSB accountable and ensure our sporting infrastructure is built to last!



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