KP U-23 Games Under Fire: Transparency and Selection Process Scrutinized


Peshawar, Pakistan - The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate's plan to organize U-23 regional sports competitions has come under fire from various sports associations in the province. These associations have raised concerns about transparency, selection processes, and the overall focus of the event.

The primary criticism centers on a perceived lack of transparency. Associations claim they were not consulted in the planning stages and are unaware of the criteria used to select the specific sports included in the competitions. They question whether these choices align with Olympic standards or represent arbitrary decisions.

Concerns have also been raised regarding the potential favoritism towards established athletes. Associations suspect these competitions might benefit players who have participated in previous events, hindering the development of new talent.

Some associations allege that previous sporting events conducted by the Directorate involved external contractors and potential financial irregularities. They claim millions of rupees allocated for sports development may have been misappropriated.

The associations believe the Directorate should prioritize promoting sports at the nursery level, where a strong foundation for future athletes can be built. Focusing solely on U-23 competitions, they argue, neglects this crucial stage of development.

Adding to the confusion, the secretary of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Olympic Association reportedly found his name included in the list of organizing committee members. However, he claims to have no knowledge of his involvement or being consulted regarding the selection of sports.

These accusations cast a shadow over the upcoming U-23 games. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate must address these concerns and ensure transparency in future endeavors. Increased collaboration with sports associations is crucial to ensure that such events genuinely promote and develop sporting talent in the province.

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