Directorate Officials Threaten Sacked Staff Fighting for Reinstatement



PESHAWAR - Daily wage employees and coaches fired by the Provincial Sports Directorate in July 2023 are facing threats and intimidation in their ten-month-long fight for reinstatement and unpaid salaries.


Reports allege that some Directorate officials are threatening these sacked staff members, claiming they will not be rehired. This comes amidst accusations from the officials that the fired employees are causing them disrespect and inconvenience due to their efforts for reinstatement.


"We are being called everywhere to answer for your actions," some officials reportedly told the coaches and daily wage employees.


The situation appears to be one of retaliation, with the officials blaming the sacked staff for their own troubles arising from the dismissal.


Further exacerbating the situation, some Directorate officials are accusing the coaches of leaking information to the media, labeling it a "shame" for the department. This tactic aims to discredit the coaches and daily wage employees while deflecting from the core labor rights issues.


The ongoing threats and accusations paint a troubling picture of a vindictive management style within the Provincial Sports Directorate. These tactics only serve to further marginalize the dismissed staff members who are rightfully seeking their reinstatement and owed wages.


#Peshawar #SportsDirectorate #LaborIssues


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