Daily Wage Employees in Limbo as Sports Directorate PC1 Lacks Clarity



PESHAWAR - While approval of a PC1 document by the Provincial Sports Directorate has brought temporary relief to daily wage employees who were laid off since July 2023, the lack of transparency surrounding the document has caused further anxiety.


Employees report that a previous PC1 submitted last year covered their salaries until June 2024. However, the newly approved PC1 is silent on the duration of employment.


Sources within the Sports Directorate suggest that under the previous PC1, daily wage employees, including coaches, might only receive one month's salary. Some departments have assured their employees of receiving arrears, while coaches are reportedly being offered a monthly salary of Rs. 32,000. This raises concerns about the remaining nine months of unpaid wages.


If the new PC1 is indeed for a shorter period (March to June 2024), these employees would face unemployment again after June, coinciding with the end of the government's financial year.


Adding to the confusion, an initial PC1 reportedly included 294 daily wage employees. This number was later revised, but the details of the revision remain undisclosed. Employees question why, if funds were allocated for 294 people, their identities weren't verified using ID cards and phone numbers.


Further allegations involve a barber who previously cut a former Chief Minister's hair being included on the daily wage list and receiving a salary through someone else's phone. Additionally, a disabled relative of an employee was allegedly placed on the swimming pool lifeguard list, and a butcher from Abbottabad who never performed any duties was also reportedly on the payroll for a year.


These discrepancies highlight a lack of transparency within the Sports Directorate's daily wage employee system. The employees deserve clear communication regarding the duration of their employment and the allocation of funds.


#PeshawarDailyWages #SportsJobs


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