Sports Directorate Continues Electricity Theft Even During Ramadan



Sports Directorate in Peshawar Continues Stealing Electricity Despite Ramadan and Burnt Meter


The Peshawar Sports Directorate has not stopped its illegal activities even in the holy month of Ramadan. For the past four months, the directorate has been bypassing the electricity meter and directly stealing electricity for the hockey field, arena hall, and other areas.


The situation arose after the main electricity meter and line near the Adil Khan swimming pool malfunctioned. Instead of repairing or replacing the meter, the directorate has resorted to stealing electricity. This blatant disregard for the law and lack of respect for Ramadan has angered residents whose homes are connected to the same power line.


The residents are now facing the consequences of the directorate's actions, as they are forced to deal with power outages while the directorate enjoys uninterrupted electricity through illegal means.


#RamadanTheft #PeshawarCorruption



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