KP Sports Directorate Engineering Wing Refuses to Provide Information on Projects and Expenses




The Engineering Wing of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Sports Directorate has come under fire for refusing to provide information on completed projects, expenses, and a potential conflict of interest.


A citizen filed a Right to Information request seeking details on the number of projects completed by the Engineering Wing, projects directly overseen by them, and their overall expenditure. However, the Engineering Wing refused to disclose this information, claiming they are not managed by the Sports Directorate but by the secretary.


Furthermore, the Engineering Wing directed inquiries about expenses to the Directorate Works, raising concerns about a lack of transparency.


Adding to the controversy, reports allege a senior official on deputation awarded over twelve contracts to relatives. After this information came to light, the official's deputation was terminated.


Sports circles in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have demanded a judicial inquiry by the FIA and Anti-Corruption department to ensure transparency and investigate the projects thoroughly.


#RightToInformation #Transparency




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