Is Cold Weather Hindering Peshawar's Tartan Track Construction?



The construction of a new tartan track at the Peshawar Sports Complex in Peshawar Cantt has sparked concerns regarding the timing of the project, raising questions about potential delays and potential misuse of resources. While the track itself is a positive development for athletes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), concerns remain about the impact of ongoing cold weather on construction progress and potential long-term issues.


Ideal weather conditions: Ideally, constructing a tartan track occurs in moderate temperatures, ranging from 15°C to 25°C.


Potential for delays: Laying the track in colder weather can be challenging, as the adhesive used to bind the surface together may not cure properly. This could lead to delays in completion and potentially compromise the track's quality and lifespan.


Safety considerations: Working in cold weather can also pose safety concerns for construction workers, potentially leading to accidents and further delays.


Financial Concerns and Potential Waste:


Public funds: The construction of the track is likely funded by taxpayer money. Citizens may be concerned that utilizing public funds for a project potentially hindered by weather conditions could be considered wasteful.


Impact on athletes: If the construction is significantly delayed, it could affect athletes' training schedules and potentially disrupt upcoming competitions.

Critical Considerations:


Transparency and communication: The Sports Directorate needs to be transparent about the potential impact of weather on the project and communicate any potential delays to the public.


Exploring alternatives: Investigating alternative construction methods or materials that are better suited for colder weather conditions could be beneficial.


Prioritizing athlete needs: Ensuring the project is completed in a timely manner and minimizes disruptions to athletes' training and competitions should be a top priority.



While the construction of a new tartan track is a welcome development for athletes in KPK, concerns about the timing of the project in colder weather require careful consideration. Addressing these concerns through transparency, exploring alternatives, and prioritizing athlete needs is crucial to ensure the project's success and efficient use of public resources.



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