Favoritism Alleged at Mazullah Khan Cricket Academy During Ramadan



The Mazullah Khan Cricket Academy, under the Provincial Sports Directorate's management, has sparked controversy. The Academy is reportedly closed to players during Ramadan, while some individuals, including club members who claim "senior" status despite lacking club-level performance, are granted free training access.


Cricket circles are critical of this alleged "dual policy." They argue that cricket development should prioritize paying youngsters.  They find it unfair that the Academy is closed entirely while relatives and favored players continue training during Ramadan. This is seen as a violation of fair practices and legal guidelines.


Cricket circles demand action from the Chief Minister, Sports Advisor, and Secretary of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They urge an investigation into the free training given to so-called "senior" players and a review of who deserves this designation based on actual performance. They call for an end to the alleged favoritism that allows some players to bypass the Ramadan closure while others are excluded.

#MuazullahKhanAcademy #RamadanCricket#CricketAcademyControversy


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