Renovation Raises Questions as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate Cries "No Funds"


The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate faces criticism for initiating the renovation of Director General (DG) Sports' office while claiming a lack of funds for other crucial areas.

This move comes amidst reports of coach layoffs due to "no funds" in the new fiscal year. However, the Directorate has begun renovating the DG's office without a public tender, raising concerns about transparency and the source of funding.

This is not the first time concerns have been raised about the Directorate's spending. Previously, under DG Khalid Mehmood, the office was also renovated at public expense.

Sports circles are expressing concern:

The apparent contradiction between the claimed lack of funds and the renovation project.

The lack of transparency surrounding the renovation, including the absence of a tender and the source of funding.


#NoFundsNoRenovation #KPKTransparency  #SportsFunding #RightToKnow


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