Peshawar Resident Seeks Transparency from Sports Directorate, Files RTI Complaint



A Peshawar citizen filed a Right to Information (RTI) application on December 4th, 2023, requesting details about events organized by the District Sports Officer (DSO) of Peshawar in 2023. The request, submitted to the Provincial Sports Directorate with diary number 1168, also sought information on:

Government Fuel Usage: The amount of fuel used by DSO Peshawar and Regional Sports Officer (RSO) Peshawar, including details on their activities and events fueled by government resources.

Registered Clubs and Activities: Information on clubs registered in Peshawar in 2023 and details of their activities.

Funding and Expenses: Details of funding and expenses provided by the Deputy Commissioner Peshawar.

Despite exceeding the mandated response timeframe, the Sports Directorate has remained silent. This prompted the citizen to file a complaint with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Right to Information Commission, seeking action against DSO Peshawar and RSO Peshawar for their lack of transparency.


#RightToInformation #SportsTransparency  #Peshawar  #KhyberPakhtunkhwa


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