Green Gone Gray: Peshawar Sports Complex Loses Luster After Pavilion Renovation



The once vibrant Peshawar Sports Complex, a hub for sporting activities and a haven for greenery, has lost its charm following the installation of new shades on the pavilion. Several concerning issues have come to light:

The lush lawn surrounding the football ground has been completely destroyed during the construction process. Excavations for the iron railings and shade installation left the area barren.

In a bizarre move, unsuitable trees were planted in the area, highlighting a lack of planning and expertise. Thankfully, these were identified and removed, but no effort has been made to replace them with appropriate greenery.

Despite significant funds being allocated, the damaged lawn remains neglected. Piles of dirt mar the landscape, creating an unsightly and unusable space.

With spring in full bloom, the absence of action by the sports directorate raises concerns about their commitment to maintaining the complex's aesthetics and functionality.

This situation raises several questions:

Were proper environmental assessments conducted before construction? Was the public informed about the potential impact on the lawn?

Where did the allocated funds go, and why is the damaged lawn not being repaired?

Why were unsuitable trees planted? What steps are being taken to ensure such mistakes are not repeated?

Does the sports directorate have a plan for long-term maintenance and improvement of the complex's green spaces?

The Peshawar Sports Complex deserves better. The concerned authorities must take immediate action to address these issues, restore the lost greenery, and ensure the complex lives up to its potential as a vibrant center for sports and recreation.

#PeshawarSportsComplex #GreeneryLoss #Neglect #SportsFacilities #PublicFunds


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