Dera Ismail Khan Sports Complex Used for Animal Fodder Sparks Investigation



Peshawar ,  A startling revelation unfolded at the DI Khan Sports Complex as government employees were found utilizing the premises for animal fodder, prompting a formal inquiry. The presence of animals on-site, witnessed by the administrator, superintendent, and DSOV, prompted a four-member committee to compile an investigation report.

Sources shed light on an alarming incident two and a half months prior, where armed individuals purportedly affiliated with the Taliban issued threats to the administration, demanding the continuation of animal grazing within the complex.

In response to this concerning development, government employees in Ratta Kalachi of Dera Ismail Khan were observed using the complex for fodder, prompting a formal complaint to the Provincial Sports Directorate. Subsequently, individuals posing as Taliban members intruded, issuing threats to maintain the status quo.

Officials at the Provincial Sports Directorate in Dera Ismail Khan have expressed regret over the situation and are actively addressing the issue. Video evidence of individuals involved has circulated widely, further intensifying scrutiny.

Meanwhile, sources within the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate have revealed ongoing investigations into financial irregularities at the complex, alongside reports of neglect by appointed officials. Despite directives from the Deputy Commissioner of Dera Ismail Khan, officials have reportedly failed to fulfill their duties or inspect the complex, exacerbating the situation.

Written complaints regarding the negligence of lower-level staff have been forwarded to the Sports Directorate, yet the matter remains unresolved. Recent political shifts, particularly with the victory of a PTI-affiliated member in the provincial assembly, have intensified scrutiny on this issue, with increased activism from religious organizations noted.

#DIKhan #SportsComplex #AnimalFodder #Investigation




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