Asphalt Work on Peshawar Sports Complex Begins, But Cold Weather Raises Concerns



PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Construction on the long-awaited Peshawar Sports Complex is finally underway, with crews starting work on laying the asphalt track surface. However, the project faces challenges due to the current cold weather conditions.


The ambitious project, overseen by the Provincial Sports Directorate, aims to be completed by September 2024. Laying asphalt in cold weather is technically possible, but it comes with increased risks and potential drawbacks.


Incomplete compaction: The asphalt cools faster, leaving less time for proper compaction, crucial for a strong and durable track. This can cause cracks and an uneven surface, impacting performance and potentially increasing injury risk for athletes.


Delayed use: The curing process takes longer in cold weather, potentially delaying the use of the track.



Consult with experienced paving contractors familiar with cold-weather asphalt laying and tartan track construction. They can assess the specific weather conditions and recommend necessary precautions or alternative solutions.


Consider using cold-mix asphalt, a special formulation designed for colder temperatures, if laying traditional asphalt proves too risky.


While the start of construction is positive news for Peshawar's athletic community, close monitoring and potential adjustments might be necessary to ensure the  track's quality and safety in the face of the ongoing cold weather.



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