"Volleyball Inter-Regional Championship Marred by Officials Ignoring Coaches in Team Formation"



In a disheartening development at the ongoing Volleyball Inter-Regional Championship hosted at the Peshawar Sports Complex, officials from various regions within the sports directorate have inserted themselves as team officials, sidelining the dedicated volleyball coaches responsible for team selection.

Contrary to the commendable efforts of volleyball coaches working on a daily wage basis in the seven different regions, civil servants from respective divisions, drawing regular salaries, have maneuvered to position themselves as officials. This strategic move is aimed at securing a share in the Tournament Allowance and Daily Allowance (TADA) distributed by other institutions at the conclusion of the championship.

It is crucial to note that each division's complex has its own volleyball associations, along with diligent coaches on daily wages who have played a significant role in team selection. However, these coaches find themselves completely disregarded as officials prioritize their own inclusion in the tournament's financial incentives.

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