To , Mr. Tariq Bugti, President of the Pakistan Hockey Federation,



I am writing to express my deep concern about recent actions taken by the Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) under your leadership. As a dedicated follower of Pakistani Hockey and its rules, I believe some recent decisions raise serious questions about their adherence to the PHF Constitution and undermine principles of transparent due process.

Firstly, the decision to circumvent established channels – District and Provincial Hockey Associations – for forming Congress members and directly registering clubs appears to violate the core principle of the PHF Constitution outlined in Section 24.3.

This section clearly identifies the district as the fundamental unit for club registration and affiliation, emphasizing the crucial role of these intermediate bodies in fostering and structuring grassroots level Hockey. Disregarding this constitutional provision weakens the very foundation upon which the PHF stands. It also contravenes the constitution approved by the FIH, Olympic Association, and Pakistan Sports Board.

Furthermore, the proposed online registration system sparks valid concerns regarding its integrity and potential for misuse. As rightly pointed out, the absence of proper vetting procedures could lead to the inclusion of spurious or incompetent entities, jeopardizing the credibility and effectiveness of the Congress. We have unfortunately encountered similar situations in the past, causing substantial damage to the PHF.

Additionally, the legal basis of online registration and club vetting criteria remains ambiguous. The Constitution mandates the formation of a Legal and Constitutional Committee for any new regulations, followed by approval through various bodies like the Executive Board and the Congress. Bypassing these critical steps casts doubt on the process's legitimacy and fosters suspicions of arbitrary decision-making.

Mr. Bugti, while your commitment to revitalizing Pakistani Hockey is admirable, resorting to measures that transgress established rules and regulations might hinder the sport's long-term growth. They operate under the law.

Have you established a new constitution or are you adhering to the old one?

If a new constitution exists, where did it garner approval?

And as the President, you haven't been approved by Congress members.

 In such a scenario, what is the legal standing of the proposed measures?

 We need a PHF that functions transparently, adheres to its guiding principles, and acknowledges the significant role of District and Provincial Hockey Associations.


Therefore, I implore you to reconsider the recent decisions regarding online registration and direct club affiliation. Instead, please work with established structures, prioritize transparent practices, and implement reform within the framework of the PHF Constitution.

Remember, the Pakistan Hockey Federation cannot directly contact clubs or acquire data, as that falls under the purview of the Provincial Associations.

By the way, there's no need for any discomfort, but where do you possess the club data?

 How many clubs exist in Pakistan?

 How many have playing and voting rights?

 Has anyone briefed you on the relevant laws?

Mr. Bugti, adopting these suggestions will not only secure the legitimacy of your actions but also foster confidence and trust among all parties involved, including players, officials, and fervent Hockey fans like myself. I appreciate your time and attention. I hope you will seriously consider my concerns and take necessary steps to restore faith in the PHF's commitment to a fair and robust Hockey ecosystem in Pakistan.


Thank you


Musarrat Ullah Jan



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