Sports Directorate Employee Wrongly Jailed for Fake Account Scam at Silk Bank Khyber Bazar


An innocent employee of the Sports Directorate in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, spent 100 days in jail due to a fraudulent scheme involving a fake account at Silk Bank Khyber Bazar. Shiraz, a relationship manager from Samba Bank, opened the account under the name "Book Traders" using forged signatures and fake academic documents of the Sports Directorate employee, Faheem. This account, number 12003160378, received nearly Rs. 45.83 million from Samba Bank, belonging to the Elementary Education Foundation.

Later, Shiraz and others involved in the scam embezzled a large sum from this account before fleeing the country. While an FIR was registered and the Sports Directorate employee was initially arrested, further investigation revealed his innocence. He was finally released, but not before suffering immense hardship and facing defamation.

Adding to the injustice, Silk Bank has remained silent on the matter, refusing to acknowledge their role in the scam or offering any compensation to Faheem. Even after receiving legal notices, the bank has avoided discussing how the account was opened with forged signatures and how crores of rupees were withdrawn.


#SilkBankScam #JusticeForSportsEmployee #KPCorruption #FakeAccountFraud #ElementaryEducationFoundation



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