Promises Unfulfilled: Under-21 Athletes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hang Onto Hope for Delayed Compensation



For two years, a dark cloud has hung over the promising careers of young athletes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Since 2021, under-21 players who achieved gold, silver, and bronze medals have been waiting in vain for their monthly compensation, a vital incentive announced by the provincial government to foster sporting talent.

The announcement was a beacon of hope for these young heroes. Boys and girls alike, ecstatic with their victories, eagerly opened bank accounts in the Bank of Khyber, their dreams fuelled by the promised financial support. But their dreams soon turned into a frustrating nightmare.

Asfandyar Khattak, the then Director General of Sports, initially received the news with indifference. His account branch declared a lack of funds, leaving the athletes in the lurch. With Khattak's departure and the arrival of Khalid Khan, a brief flicker of hope arose, but it quickly extinguished as Khan too remained silent on the issue.

March 2023 saw yet another change in leadership with Khalid Mahmood taking the helm. However, even his tenure ended without a resolution for the athletes. Now, with a new Director General in place, the question remains: will the promise of financial backing ever be fulfilled?

The athletes' worries are not limited to their monthly compensation. The prize money for the winning and runner-up teams, a staggering Rs. 110,000 and Rs. 55,000 respectively, has also disappeared into a bureaucratic black hole.

The pain is palpable. These young athletes, who dedicate their lives to their sport, deserve better. Their victories are not just personal triumphs; they are testaments to the potential of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's sporting spirit. Yet, their dedication is met with silence and inaction.

The PTI government, which initiated the program with such fanfare, seems to have forgotten its own promises. The current caretaker government, too, remains silent on this critical issue.

It's time for the authorities to wake up. The future of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's sporting culture hangs in the balance. Every medal unclaimed, every promise unfulfilled, chips away at the dreams of these young athletes. It's time to #PayUpKP, #JusticeForChampions. Let their victories be celebrated, not forgotten.

#BrokenPromises #KP SportsScandal #FundOurAthletes #SportsDeservesBetter #KPUnder21Champions #KP SportsScandal  #BrokenPromises  #PayUpKP #JusticeForChampions


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