Open-air Gym Woes: Dismantled Equipment Awaits Repair at 1000 Sports Facility (KP)


Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's 1000 Sports Facility project, inaugurated by former Chief Minister Mahmood Khan, faces disarray as two open-air gym machines remain dismantled and neglected for over a month. These machines, originally part of a complete gym alongside the cricket academy, were meant to serve both aspiring cricketers and the general public seeking open-air training.

In an unfortunate incident, the reconstruction contractor mishandled the equipment during repairs, causing one machine to topple onto the other. Instead of swift repair or reinstallation, both machines have been left abandoned. Despite assurances from the original contractor to handle damage cases, the responsibility now falls on the Sports Directorate Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has yet to take action.

This prolonged neglect begs the question: does the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa administration value its public facilities?

 Over a month has passed, leaving the dismantled gym equipment to silently "cry" for attention, symbolizing a larger disregard for the project's purpose and the needs of its intended users.

#KPsports #neglect #1000sportsfacility #gymwoes #openairfitness #demandattention #accountability


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