Mysterious Absence and Medical Controversy Surround Class IV Employee at Peshawar Sports Complex Hostel"



In a perplexing turn of events, a Class IV employee assigned to the hostel at Peshawar Sports Complex has become the center of attention for the Directorate. The employee, who took an unexplained leave, returned to duty after 21 days, presenting medical documents that are yet to gain approval.

According to insider sources from the Sports Directorate, the hostel's watchman reported stomach pain one month ago, leading to his absence for twenty-one days, citing illness. The administrator initially approved the leave based on the provided medical report.

 However, subsequent reports surfaced indicating the employee's presence at a private school. Subsequently, the employee was summoned to provide an explanation.

Surprisingly, the concerned official managed to complete medical paperwork for himself, which were later submitted. This raised concerns among other sports directorate employees, prompting immediate complaints.

In response, all employees undergoing medical checks at the sports directorate have been instructed to promptly submit their medical bills. The situation remains tense as the approval of the employee's medical documents remains pending.

#EmployeeManagement #WorkplaceIntegrity #MedicalDocumentationEthics


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