Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate Shrouded in Secrecy Over Missing Engine for Special Athletes' Vehicle



The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate has come under fire for its silence surrounding the mysterious disappearance of an engine from a vehicle specially designed for disabled athletes. During the tenure of former Director-General Khalid Mahmood, the driver of the vehicle faced the brunt of this secrecy, having his salary withheld for over three months in connection with the missing engine.

A committee was formed at the time to investigate the engine's disappearance from the parked vehicle. However, instead of focusing on the theft, the Sports Directorate seemingly shifted its focus to the driver, holding his salary hostage in an apparent attempt to pressure him into revealing information he likely didn't possess.

Adding to the confusion, the Directorate has remained tight-lipped about the current status of the vehicle and the engine. They have provided no explanation for the salary stoppage or its eventual reversal, nor have they offered any clarity on the investigation's findings or the fate of the missing engine.

#KPKSportsScandal #DisabilityRights #MissingEngine #TransparencyDemanded #WhereIsTheAccountability


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