How the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate Fails to Serve Its Players



The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate, tasked with fostering athletic excellence in the province, seems to be stuck in a perpetual training match with transparency and accountability. A recent denial of information request filed in October, coupled with the glaring absence of sports activity across Peshawar and Mardan districts, paints a picture of an institution either woefully inept or deliberately opaque.

The Right to Information Commission, KP, while acknowledging the request, has seemingly served as a mere spectator in this game. Their letter, devoid of any concrete action or follow-up, echoes the hollow silence of empty sports complexes across the region. This begs the question: who is setting the rules of this game, and who are the real losers?

The lack of transparency in the Directorate's operations is a red card to good governance. The denial of information, a basic right enshrined in the law, raises questions about what the Directorate is trying to hide.

Are there financial irregularities? Mismanagement of resources? Or simply a culture of apathy towards the very athletes they are supposed to serve?

The absence of sports activity in key districts is another own goal. While Peshawar and Mardan grapple with a dearth of athletic opportunities, one wonders where the budget allocated for sports development is actually going.

 Are funds being channeled into phantom projects or lining the pockets of a select few?

The Right to Information Commission, KP, needs to do more than just send letters. They must act as a referee, ensuring fair play and holding the Directorate accountable. Investigating the information request denial, demanding concrete action plans for the revival of sports in affected districts, and holding public hearings are just a few steps that can put the game back on track.

Ultimately, the losers in this scoreless game are the athletes themselves. Youngsters with dreams of Olympic glory are denied the basic infrastructure and support to nurture their talent. This not only squanders individual potential but also undermines the province's sporting prowess on a national and international stage.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate needs a major overhaul. A culture of transparency, accountability, and proactive development must replace the current state of apathy and obfuscation. Only then can the game of sports truly flourish in the province, with every athlete, every district, and every citizen playing their part in a winning team.



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