Gas Issues and Substandard Facilities Hinder Operation



While winter winds whip through Charsadda, Abdul Wali Khan Sports Complex's swimming pool faces chilling obstacles. Despite having gas connection points, the lack of readily available needle gas and frequent load shedding are making life for potential bathers anything but refreshing.

Amidst this cold reality, a glimmer of hope emerges. Sources confirm former DG Sports Khalid Mahmood had approved a plan to utilize the Pangas system for heating the pool's water. However, this ray of warmth is dimmed by the pool's shortcomings.

Falling short of international standards, the pool boasts only seven lanes instead of the required eight. Its width also fails to meet international specifications, and a glaring lack of ventilation adds to the woes. Moreover, departmental teams have not graced the facility for over four months.

To add salt to the wound, Charsadda's pool pales in comparison to Peshawar's Adil Khan Sports Complex. While Peshawar's pool enjoys a four-month operational window, Charsadda's shutters remain firmly down in winter.

 This discrepancy raises troubling questions, especially considering that winter stretches for four months, a considerable period of inactivity.

Furthermore, whispers abound that most Sports Directorate employees' relatives enjoy the dubious privilege of "season-to-season" employment at the Peshawar pool. This practice casts a shadow of nepotism and unfairness over the department.

Charsadda's pool dreams face a harsh winter. Overcoming challenges like gas woes, subpar facilities, and questionable employment practices is crucial to revive the aquatic aspirations of the region.

hashtags #CharsaddaPool #WinterChallenges



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