Sports Registration Woes: Punjab Board Takes Lead, KP Sports Directorate Silent


Peshawar , Pakistan  . In a disturbing turn of events for sports enthusiasts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Punjab Sports Board has taken the initiative to conduct club-level registrations, while the sports directorate in the province remains conspicuously silent on the matter.

The formation of at least five clubs at the district level is the cornerstone of any sports association. However, this crucial aspect appears to be disregarded in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, with scant attention paid to the establishment of these essential clubs.

The provincial government's sports policy mandates that the District Sports Officer (DSO) is responsible for ensuring the visibility and categorization of clubs. Regrettably, it has surfaced that many DSOs operating at the provincial level are not adequately informed about this fundamental duty. Moreover, the lack of comprehensive lists detailing the number of clubs affiliated with each association further exacerbates the issue.

While a handful of sports associations have successfully established clubs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the majority of these entities seem to be confined to the city limits of Peshawar. Notably, the District Sports Officer in Peshawar has been uncooperative in divulging information regarding the number of clubs at the district level, a stance maintained for the past eight months. This opacity prevails across the entire province, painting a bleak picture of the state of sports affairs.

Further compounding the challenges is the observation that several sports associations in the province appear to be operating on the basis of familial ties, with family members holding key positions within these organizations. This trend raises concerns about the fairness and transparency in the functioning of these associations.

To address this issue, it is imperative for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government to adopt a policy akin to the proactive stance taken by the Punjab Sports Board. A robust and transparent club registration process is essential for cultivating a healthy sports ecosystem, ensuring equitable representation, and fostering talent across the province.

 It is hoped that swift action will be taken to rectify the current deficiencies and propel Khyber Pakhtunkhwa towards a more vibrant and inclusive sports culture.

#SportsRegistration #ClubDevelopment #KPKSports #PunjabSportsBoard




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