Sports Directorate Endures Power Struggles as Another Meter Burns Out



Peshawar, Pakistan  . The Provincial Sports Directorate has faced ongoing power disruptions following the malfunction of yet another electricity meter. The recent incident marks the second time a meter has burned out, leaving the facility reliant on a temporary power supply.

Despite the setbacks, the administration has acted swiftly to minimize the impact of the outages. They have promptly redirected power from the transformer to ensure essential operations, such as watering the turf and providing electricity to the table tennis hall, can continue.

The first instance of a burnt-out meter occurred earlier, forcing the Directorate to depend on a single meter for its power needs. Unfortunately, the remaining meter also succumbed to the strain, leading to the current situation.

Pesco officials are expected to arrive shortly to address the ongoing issue and restore a stable power supply to the Sports Directorate. Until then, the temporary arrangement will remain in place to ensure essential operations can continue uninterrupted.

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