Provincial Sports Directorate Demands Return of Official Vehicle from Charsadda Official"



In a recent development, the Provincial Sports Directorate has issued a notice to an official from Charsadda, urging the return of a double cabin vehicle. The concerned official currently possesses two official vehicles, both of which have been in use for an extended period. Notably, the official double cabin vehicle has also been utilized for fuel-related activities.

It is crucial to highlight that, as of last month, the Project Director of the 1000 Sports Project, responsible for overseeing vehicles and fuel management in the provincial sports ministry, had reclaimed vehicles from all officials. However, the official from Charsadda, purportedly exerting influence, had not complied with the directive to return the vehicle.

In response to this, the Provincial Sports Directorate has explicitly instructed the concerned official from Charsadda to promptly return the official vehicle. This move underscores the commitment to accountability and adherence to established protocols within the sports administration.

#AccountabilityMatters #SportsManagement #OfficialVehicleReturn #ProvincialSports  #OfficialVehicleReturn #AccountabilityInSports #ProvincialDirective


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