Provincial Sports Directorate Commences Audit - Reviewing Past Activities and Expenditures



The Provincial Sports Directorate has initiated an audit, delving into the details of past activities and expenditures. The audit encompasses an examination of the number of conducted competitions, the allocation and utilization of funds, and a comprehensive review of where the expenditures took place.

In light of the ongoing audit, the Provincial Sports Directorate has temporarily suspended the majority of its activities. This audit, spanning a year, aims to ensure transparency and accountability within the Directorate.

The audit extends beyond conventional boundaries, encompassing projects undertaken by various contractors, including those funded through endowment funds. Utilization of endowment funds in diverse domains is under scrutiny, and all relevant individuals have been requested to provide information.

Furthermore, the Engineering Wing is actively engaging in discussions for the audit of its projects, emphasizing a commitment to transparency and responsible practices.

The audit also brings attention to the recurrence of unrelated individuals entering the Provincial Sports Directorate premises. Instances of unauthorized activities, particularly in the vicinity of sports arenas and tracks, have prompted renewed scrutiny. Despite a previous halt due to restrictions on sports activities, this phenomenon has resumed, with individuals in non-athletic attire entering, raising concerns about security and discipline.

This audit signifies a renewed commitment to ensuring the integrity of sports management and financial operations within the Provincial Sports Directorate, fostering trust and transparency among stakeholders and the public.

#SportsManagement #FinancialTransparency #SportsAudit #ProvincialSports #TransparencyInSports


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