Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Official Halts Gym Music to Ensure Focused Training for Female Players


In a move promoting focused training for female athletes, Miss Rashida Ghaznavi, the Director of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate, paid a visit to Tariq Wadud Badminton Hall in Peshawar. Accompanied by Jafar Shah, administrator of Peshawar Sports Complex, she reviewed the practice sessions of female badminton players and addressed concerns raised by their coaches.

One such concern pertained to loud music emanating from a newly built gym adjacent to the badminton hall. The gym, previously used by female players, was recently allocated to women's volleyball but now houses a gym frequented by boys. Their practice sessions, often accompanied by blaring music, disrupted the badminton players' training, hindering their concentration.

Taking swift action, Ms. Ghaznavi instructed the gym owner to refrain from playing music altogether during the badminton players' practice times. This decision prioritizes the athletes' need for a focused training environment and ensures their optimal performance.

#KPKSports #FemaleAthletes #FocusedTraining #RespectforTrainingEnvironment


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