Footballer's Stray Shot Takes Aim at Archery Target Again (5th Time!)



The archery target at Peshawar Sports Complex has become a recurring victim of misplaced kicks, with a football player breaking it for the fifth time last day. This persistent issue has prompted the administrator to investigate and take action.

The Investigation: Upon learning of the repeated damage, the administrator discovered that a boy playing football in the mornings was responsible. His errant kicks were finding their way to the archery field, knocking down the target with each strike.

Official Action: Armed with this information, the administrator has instructed officials to identify and inform them whenever the aforementioned footballer enters the grounds. This will allow them to address the situation directly and prevent further damage.

Separate Spaces, Separate Times: It's important to note that dedicated areas and time slots exist for both football and archery at the complex. Footballers are expected to utilize their designated space after two o'clock, ensuring minimal overlap with archery practice.

Archery Club Seeks Additional Protection: Exasperated by the repeated incidents, the archery club has submitted a request to the Director General Sports Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for barbed wire fencing around their field. This measure would provide much-needed protection for their equipment and ensure uninterrupted practice sessions.

#PeshawarSportsComplex #ArcheryTarget #FootballMishap #SeparateSpaces #ProtectOurSports #BarbedWireForArchery


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