District Sports Officers (DSOs) Call for Urgent Action to Address Challenges



District Sports Officers (DSOs) are raising their voices to address critical issues hindering the effectiveness of sports administration at the grassroots level. These issues ultimately impact the development and well-being of athletes across Pakistan.

Key Concerns:

Merit-Based Appointments and Career Development: The current appointment system lacks transparency and fairness, often prioritizing political influence over merit. This leads to a shortage of qualified and dedicated professionals, hindering the system's overall efficiency. Currently, some DSOs appointed by the Provincial Sports Directorate have no background in sports, raising concerns about their qualifications.

Financial Transparency and Resource Allocation: DSOs struggle to access accurate information about allocated funds, making it difficult to plan and implement essential sports activities. The current five percent allocation is inadequate, with DSOs receiving only a small portion. This lack of transparency and insufficient funding significantly hampers district sports administration.

Supervision of Sports Organizations: The unchecked formation and operation of sports associations raise concerns about legitimacy and accountability. Many associations operate without DSO knowledge or approval, lacking transparency and proper oversight. Additionally, many associations exist only on paper or are limited to the provincial capital, ignoring the needs of other districts.

Demands for Change:

Transparent and Merit-Based Appointment System: Implement a fair system emphasizing merit and qualifications over political influence. This system should also address career progression with defined grades and clear paths for advancement. DSOs, as the responsible authorities, should have the final say in transfers and promotions, eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy. Additionally, the practice of appointing unqualified individuals as administrators should be discontinued.

Increased Funding and Transparency: Provide DSOs with access to accurate financial information and increase funding allocations to meet district-level needs. Ensure transparent financial transactions to eliminate unnecessary complexities and empower DSOs to effectively manage resources.

Oversight of Sports Organizations: Implement a system of regular elections and mandatory DSO involvement in association formation. This will promote transparency, accountability, and ensure the legitimate operation of sports associations across the province.

Call for Action:

District Sports Officers urge the media and relevant authorities to acknowledge their concerns and support their demands for positive change. By promoting transparency, fairness, and efficiency in sports administration, we can create a stronger and more supportive environment for athletes at all levels, promoting the development of sports throughout Pakistan.


A Common Voice of District Sports Officers



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