Delays and Deficiencies Persist at Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium a Year After Completion



Despite a full year passing since its completion in December 2022, the Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium remains plagued by unresolved issues. The concerns primarily revolve around reservations surrounding the goal post area and the base of the hockey turf.

Constructed under the auspices of the Pakistan Sports Board, the stadium faced initial challenges with its sprinkler system, which were subsequently repaired. However, despite a comprehensive report submitted by the PSB team after identifying the problems, no corrective action has been taken.

The contractor involved in the project has maintained a conspicuous silence on the persisting issues, and the official handover has yet to take place. Former DG Khalid Khan established a committee to address the delays, but tangible results are yet to be seen.

Miss Rashida Ghaznavi, the female director, submitted a report highlighting the deficiencies in the hockey turf, sprinklers, goal posts, and surrounding areas. Regrettably, the stadium's management has remained silent on these findings, leaving the problems unaddressed.


#InfrastructureDelay #SportsManagementIssues #AccountabilityNeeded #LalaAyubStadiumIssues #SportsInfrastructureDelay



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