Cricketers Bagged Out: BRT Policy Sparks Outrage



BRT's controversial decision to ban cricket bags has left players fuming and searching for alternative transportation.

The Muazullah Khan Cricket Academy, a hub for aspiring cricketers in Peshawar, has been hit hard by the BRT's new policy. Players who previously relied on the BRT for daily transportation are now forced to find alternative options, often incurring additional costs.

The BRT management claims that the size of the cricket bags poses a potential risk, but players argue that the ban is unfair and discriminatory. They point out that other large bags, such as luggage, are still allowed on board.

The cricket community in Peshawar has urged the BRT to reconsider its decision. They argue that the ban is detrimental to the development of cricket in the city and is making it difficult for players to pursue their dreams.

The hashtag #BRTCricketBagBan is now trending on social media, with many people calling for the policy to be reversed.

It remains to be seen whether the BRT will listen to the concerns of the cricket community and change its policy. In the meantime, players are left to deal with the inconvenience and added expense of the ban.

#BRTCricketBagBan #brt #sports #news



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